
My purpose is sharing a data structure.
For example with an array:
- httpd creation, my_array is empty
- there are 8 servers launched
- server1 add an entry named (X)
- server5 add an entry
- server3 read an entry
- server7 remove the (X) entry
After this, my_array contains one line which is the server5 entry.

For the moment, I use a "apr_array_header_t * my_array" and I put
it in httpd.h.

My problem is :
        each server process access to a copy of the array, so they
        could not share data..
                server1 array contains 0 element
                server2 array contains 3 elements
                server3 ....

But, I want :
        an unique array
                server1 ----\
                server2 -----\  
                server3 ------\
                server4 ----------> contains X elements

Please, could someone give me a solution ?

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LINUX - because life is too short to reboot !
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