On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 04:26:22PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> aaa rewrite belongs in:
> 2.0: rbb, brianp, dreid, gstein, jim, rederpj, striker, trawick,
>      ianh, gs, bnicholes
> 2.1: dpejesh, chris, aaron, hb
> If someone would like to do a release before I check in the aaa
> changes, I'd be game to hold off until Monday or Tuesday.

How long do you think it will take to get the auth changes stabilized
enough to make a GA-quality release? If this is more than about a week,
I *strongly* urge you to branch.

The worst thing that could happen would be to have us run into a
security problem that needs to be fixed right away. Without a branch
we would have to revert all the auth changes back to a working state
(you're going to make a tag anyway, right??), make the release, and then
stick it all back in again. That's much uglier than just doing a branch
in the first place.

Also, there's no reason that the auth branch would need to keep up with
changes in HEAD. Instead, those who want to work on this stuff can
make it work with 2.0.41-dev, and then once it's done take a day or
so to merge those changes back into HEAD. This seems much less painful
to me than forcing everyone else to deal with the instability.

To put it more clearly: I am -1 for any long-term breakage of the
currently-stable 2.0 tree.


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