On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Has anybody torture tested graceful restarts lately?  I only ask because
> > we just got a PR that gave me "that sinking feeling".  Maybe not a real
> > problem, but just figured I'd ask.
> They work on daedalus with prefork.  But that's typically just once a night -
> not sure if that qualifies as a torture test.

It fails sometimes for me on Linux (pretty standard RedHat 7.3)
with the worker MPM. (The original "parent" process (if that's what
you call it) just hangs until you kill it).

Actually, it might not have failed since sometime around .40; I
haven't paid that much attention.  I will try to look closer if it
happens again.

(how was that for a useless bug report? :-) )

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, http://www.askbjoernhansen.com/ !try; do();

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