<lurk state="off"/>

Pardon me for butting in here, but as someone who is building a product
based in part upon Apache/mod_proxy, I *strongly* agree with Graham.  I've
had to hack the mod_proxy code more than once to deal with this issue, and
I'd rather not have to.  I agree that it should be entirely up to any
modifying filter to be responsible for Content-Length changes.  The proxy
itself should, IMHO, be always be considered a non-modifying passthough
(with the obvious exception of proxy-specific HTTP headers, which
Content-Length is not).

- Dave

<lurk state=="on"/>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Graham Leggett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: mod_proxy and Content-Length

> > Problems with 2.0.42 and mod_proxy with Content-Length:
> >
> >   - 2.0.39 stripped C-L from all HTTP/1.0 responses.
> >   - 2.0.40 retained C-L on HTTP/1.0 responses for GETs, but stripped it
> > for HEAD.
> >   - 2.0.42 strips C-L from all HTTP/1.0 responses.
> >
> > Do people think that the 2.0.42 behaviour (stripping C-L from all
> > HTTP/1.0 responses) is correct?  The messages referenced below would
> > suggest not, but .42 has reverted to .39's behaviour.
> I don't think proxy should touch content-length at all.
> If a filter fiddles with content length, then it should be responsible
> for removing the content-length header as needed so that it can be
> readded later.
> Proxy doesn't change content-length in itself - so it really has no
> business touching it.
> Regards,
> Graham
> --
> -----------------------------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] "There's a moon
> over Bourbon Street
> tonight..."

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