The fields would be used to correctly record the number of input and output
bytes ACTUALLY read/written per connection. This would not be the same as
r->bytes_sent, due to headers and encryption, but it could be used later on to
log this information using %I and %O. At this point I'm unsure how to best solve
the r->bytes_sent problem (actually, I'm not 100% sure of r->bytes_sent
semantics as well), but this would at least fix some of the inaccuracies of the
current code and would provide users with very accurate numbers. It would also
be faster then current mod_logio filter approach.

If this gets accepted, I would then write modifications to core_input_filter,
core_output_filter and friends that would use these fields to count the bytes
received and sent properly. I would also modify mod_logio to use these fields
instead of it's own little structure. Optionally, I could fold mod_logio back
into mod_log_config, given this would be part of core functionality.


PS. In the spirit of 2.0 v. 2.1 thread, if you want me to write the whole thing
up front, just let me know. I have no problem doing one bigger patch making all
the necessary changes at once.

Attachment: conn_rec-in-out.patch
Description: Binary data

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