On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 03:40:55PM -0500, Thomas Eibner wrote:
> > What I expect is a list that shows for every MMN change a short description why it 
>was changed or better what has changed in the sources, and if it affects third-party 
>modules and which, f.e. something like that:
> > 
> > 20020903 : added new parameter SEND_OPT in function xyz(), NULL could be passed 
>in; affects filter modules.
> > 
> > if something like that already exists please point me to it...
> Point me in that direction too. It's a very good idea Guenter (if there
> is no such list already).

Are you looking for something more than what is in the include/ap_mmn.h
file and the CHANGES file?


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