Thanks for the reply.
See my inline comments


On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:11:23  
 gregames wrote:
>amit athavale wrote:
>> I am using Apache 2.0 with prefork MPM. There is some external program which adds 
>VirtualHosts to httpd.conf dynamically and send SIGUSR1 to a process with pid = {pid 
>in}. Immediately after this, that external program sends some HTTP request 
>which should resolve to new VirtualHost added. (These are WebDAV requests to create 
>some default resources and set properties)
>> But unfortunately, these requests go to old processes(before restarting). Is there 
>any way to ensure that these requests go to new processes ?
>There could be a graceful restart bug (we did have one in prefork months ago),
>or it might be that the graceful restart notification simply hasn't had time to
>propagate to all the child processes.   
>I would take a close look at server-status with ExtendedStatus enabled, before
>and right after you send the signal.  For each child pid that's alive, you
>should see either a new generation number in the "Srv" column or a G (gracefully
>finishing) in the "M" column.  When we had the bug, you would see processes with
>the old generation number serving new requests for hours after the graceful
>restart was initiated.

Will do that and let you know.
But I added some loging, so that when request comes PID is printed, and some request 
shows old PID.

Interestingly if I fire "MaxClients" no. of requests these old processes goes away.

>If that looks OK, maybe your external program just needs to sleep for a few
>seconds after initiating the graceful restart.  

This external program sleeps for 20 secs after giving signal.

If the server-status looks bad,
>which platform are you on and what level of httpd are you running?

I am on Solaris 8 and unfortunately using 1st GA release of 2.0 i.e 2.0.35. May be the 
bug you are refering to was there 2.0.35, is this right ? if so then I need to patch 
my source with fix.


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