On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 03:31, David Burry wrote:
> Is it possible to get some of the fixes to mod_logio committed?  Wouldn't
> everyone agree that the current logging of the outgoing bytes is incorrect
> behavior?  Currently it logs the full file size (plus headers) even if it
> gets cut off in the middle, instead of the actual number of bytes sent.
> I've seen several patches to fix this but very little comment on it...  I've
> seen lots of comments that it can't be done without major rearchitecting,
> but Bojan seems to have done it without that by breaking pipelining, am I
> correct?

Actually, the last patch I sent contains one snag I'm still working on.
It breaks the core's connection configuration structure, which gets
attached to c->conn_config. However, I think I can get around that by
using an optional function. As the matter of fact, I'm working on it
right now.

> I also wish that %b would be fixed in a similar manner but I haven't seen
> any patches for that (or comments about it).  Wouldn't everyone agree that
> it too should log actual bytes sent not just the full file size every time?
> Apache 2.0 should do everything that 1.3 did, so this logging issue really
> should be considered a bug, right?

I agree with you on this one as well. But at this point I'm unsure how
to fix this one.

> Since I depend on correct outgoing byte count logging to see how many people
> sucessfully download files, I can live with broken pipelining for now in
> 2.0, currently I've had to roll back to Apache 1.3 and put in 3 times as
> many machines (12 instead of 4)....  I'd really like to return those 8
> borrowed machines someday and be able to upgrade to 2.0... but can't do that
> in the current broken log state.

Glad to hear Apache 2.0 makes a huge performance difference. Not so glad
to hear you had to resort to going back to 1.3. The only thing I can
promise is a patch using optional function (this should guarantee
compatibility of core between 43 and 44 and no MMN bump) during the day
(Sydney time). It's up to the committers to review and, if they like,


PS. By the number of messages on the list I'm guessing committers must
be rather busy on their real jobs these days. Unfortunately there is no
way of speeding things up, given this is volunteer effort. Unless, of
course, you decide to bribe some of them ;-)

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