At 10:13 AM 11/26/2002, Joshua Slive wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:
>> Folks,  given that httpd is "mirrored worldwide" and not all mirrors are
>> actually rsyincing the ".old" directory (or anything that starts with a .
>> for what that matters), can you change the link in "README.html" to point to
>> ""; instead of just a relative to
>> ".old"?
>Actually, there is no dist/httpd/.old; the .old directory that Maarten is
>refering to is the one for the win32 binaries in
>dist/httpd/binaries/win32/.old.  Unfortunately, there is no way to point
>this at at the moment, since everything under binaries is
>redirected to nagoyar.
>1. Undo the redirect, partially or completely.
>2. Remove the "." from ".old".

+1 to this.

>3. Remove the link entirely and tell people not to use the old version.

Tried and failed [that was what we *hoped* folks would do.]  The fact
is that old binaries are requested by folks trying to bind a particular
module or whatnot.

But what about insecure packages?  Should those go *poof* permanently?


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