Resend. I found a bug report on this as well:

----- Forwarded message from Joe Orton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Joe Orton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mail-Followup-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:18:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] prevent apxs from inserting AddModule
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i

If an httpd.conf has commented out AddModule directives, apxs -i -a will
add an un-commented AddModule directive for the new module, which breaks
the config.  Here's a fix:

--- support/     19 Sep 2002 05:43:16 -0000      1.47
+++ support/     27 Nov 2002 16:12:00 -0000
@@ -490,9 +490,8 @@
     #   determine installation commands
-    #   and corresponding LoadModule/AddModule directives
+    #   and corresponding LoadModule directive
     my @lmd = ();
-    my @amd = ();
     my @cmds = ();
     my $f;
     foreach $f (@args) {
@@ -546,7 +545,6 @@
         $dir =~ s|(.)$|$1/|;
        $t =~ s|\.la$|.so|;
         push(@lmd, sprintf("LoadModule %-18s %s", "${name}_module", "$dir$t"));
-        push(@amd, sprintf("AddModule %s", $filename));
     #   execute the commands
@@ -582,15 +580,7 @@
             $lmd =~ m|LoadModule\s+(.+?)_module.*|;
             notice("[$what module `$1' in $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_TARGET.conf]");
-        my $amd;
-        foreach $amd (@amd) {
-            if ($content !~ m|\n#?\s*$amd|) {
-                 $content =~ s|^(.*\n#?\s*AddModule\s+[^\n]+\n)|$1$c$amd\n|sg;
-            } else {
-                 $content =~ s|^(.*\n)#?\s*$amd[^\n]*\n|$1$c$amd\n|sg;
-            }
-        }
-        if (@lmd or @amd) {
+        if (@lmd) {
             if (open(FP, ">$CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$")) {
                 print FP $content;

----- End forwarded message -----

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