Took too long to respond. Oh well, no one else did either...

On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:14:10AM -0500, Glenn wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 08:36:59PM -0800, Manoj Kasichainula wrote:
> > BTW, ISTR Ryan commenting a while back that cross-thread signalling
> > isn't reliable, and it scares me in general, so I'd lean towards the
> > pipe.
> > 
> > I'm pondering what else could be done about this; having to muck with a
> > pipe doesn't feel like the right thing to do.
> Why not?

Good question. I'm still waffling on this.

> Add a descriptor (pipe, socket, whatever) to the pollset and use
> it to indicate the need to generate a new pollset.  The thread that sends
> info down this descriptor could be programmed to wait a short amount of
> time between sending triggers, so as not to cause the select() to return
> too, too often, but short enough not to delay the handling of new
> connections too long.

But what's a good value? Any value picked is going to be too annoying.
0.1 s means delaying lots of threads up to a tenth of a second. And
there would be good reasons for wanting to lower that value, and to not
lower that value. Which would mean it would need to be a tunable
parameter depending on network and CPU characteristics, and needing a
tunable parameter for this just seems ooky. 

But just picking a good value and sticking with it might not be too bad.
The correct thing to do would be to code it up and test, but I'd rather
have a reasonable idea of the chances for success first. :)

In the perfect case, each poll call would return immediately with lots
of file descriptors ready for work, and they would all get farmed out.
Then before the next poll runs, there are more file descriptors ready to
be polled. 

Hmmm, if the poll is waiting on fds for any length of time, it should be
ok to interrupt it, because by definition it's not doing anything else.

So maybe the way to go is to forget about waiting the 0.1 s to interrupt
poll. Just notify it immediately when there's a fd waiting to be polled.
If no other fds have work to provide, we add the new fds to the poll set
and continue.

Otherwise, just run through all the other fds that need handling first,
then pick off all the fds that are waiting for polling and add them to
the fd set.

So (again using terms from my proposal):

submit_ticket would push fds into a queue and write to new_event_pipe if
the queue was empty when pushing.

get_next_event would do something like:

if (previous_poll_fds_remaining) {
    pick one off, call event handler for it
else {
    clean out new_event_queue and put values into new poll set
    poll(pollfds, io_timeout);
    call event handler for one of the returned pollfds

Something was bothering me about this earlier, and I can't remember what
it is. Maybe it's that when the server isn't busy, a single ticket
submission will make 2 threads (the ticket submitter and the thread
holding the poll mutex) do stuff. Maybe even 3 threads since a new
thread could take the poll mutex. But since this is the unbusy case,
it's not quite so bad.

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