>- mpm_netware:
>  * MaxThreads - there was a limit of 250 documented. hmm, I couldn't
>   *any* reference to a value of 250, so I took the obvious from 
>    mpm_netware: MaxThreads 2048 (as maximum and default)

The default for MaxThreads in the configuration file is 250.  If
omitted it will default to the HARD_THREAD_LIMIT of 2048.  Which one of
the defaults is appropriate for the documentation?

The NetWare SecureListen directive, at the very least, should be added
to the Novell NetWare Platform Specific Notes (platform/netware.html). 
There is a section on that page for Additional NetWare specific
directives.  The directive is implemented through the built in module
MOD_NW_SSL which is also NetWare specific.  I'm not sure if there should
be an additional module documentation page for this module or not.  This
is the module that implements SSL functionality for the NetWare platform
and replaces the need to use MOD_SSL on NetWare.  The SecureListen
directive takes an "<IPAddress:port> | <port>" and the name of a
certificate.  The default in the configuration file is 

SecureListen 443 "SSL CertificateDNS"

If you want to add this directive to the NetWare doc, I can fill in the
details later.


Brad Nicholes
Senior Software Engineer
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net business solutions

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, December 16, 2002 7:09:58 PM >>>
[xpost dev & docs]

the MPM documentation is currently incomplete and partially outdated.
I've tried to remove this flaw... ;-)

the patch against the existing source files (xml) can be found at 
<http://cvs.apache.org/~nd/mpms.diff> (~ 68K). If you want to read it
HTML, try <http://cvs.apache.org/~nd/manual/mod/#core> as a starting

However, here's a summary of the main changes:

- added new docs for beos, leader, mpmt_os2 and threadpool.
  The descriptions are mainly taken from the READMEs and/or code
- mpm_common:
  * fixed the <modulelist>s in mpm_common
  * moved AcceptMutex to mpm_common;
    document the mutex mechanism "posixsem"
  * added BS2000Account to mpm_common
    (I'm not sure, whether it should appear here or elsewhere. It
    to be supported only by prefork and perchild (if perchild would
    The description is obtained from the 1.3 docs.
  * fixed several default values
  * moved MaxThreadsPerChild and NumServers out to perchild
    (btw: we could consider to rename NumServers to StartServers...)
  * rearranged some stuff and added several comments, that I found
- mpm_netware:
  * MaxThreads - there was a limit of 250 documented. hmm, I couldn't
    *any* reference to a value of 250, so I took the obvious from 
    mpm_netware: MaxThreads 2048 (as maximum and default)
- perchild:
  * extended the explanations about using different user ids. Hope,
  * extended and adjusted the directive descriptions
    (remember, NumServers and MaxThreadsPerChild moved in)
- prefork:
  * moved AcceptMutex to mpm_common (as stated already above)

Please note again, that these are only the main changes.

There is still one directive (except GProfDir ;-) that's not
SecureListen, which comes with the netware ssl module. I didn't add it,

because I'm a bit unsure, where to place it. any ideas?

Probably more interesting for the doccos: the growing up of the MPM
caused some style changes for better navigation etc. A diff against the

style files can be found at <http://cvs.apache.org/~nd/style.diff> (~

Here are the main changes:

- reintroduced the sidebar for the module index page (obvious ;-)
  * didn't want to leave the section links so alone, thus added some
- changed the ordering of the core/MPMs as follows:
  * core
  * mpm_common
  * alphabetical list of the mpms (ordered by their "natural" names).
- same appeared on the sitemap 
- changed <h1> headings of the modulesynopsis files, so that they match
  titles in the sitemap. This should better reflect the nature of the 
  modules. (affects only core & MPMs)

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