I know at least for 2.0.43 on Windows you can avoid these issues by making the mod_ssl project separately and then doing a "Build (Selection Only)" on the BuildBin and InstallBin targets.  [Assuming you're building via the Dev Studio GUI.]

Also note that if you do a "Clean" on everything you'll need to snag the ssl/*.c and ssl/*.h from the original tarball and place them back in this directory, i.e. the Windows tarball includes the bison (etc) intermediate outputs, but clean will gladly remove all these for you.

Essentially a little creative dancing is still required to get things to build, but it is largely automatic...

Jess Holle

Andy Cutright wrote:
you can hack this stuff out, i believe. try looking through .mak file that's giving you problems & get rid of the comand being issued for that target, or get rid of the target. i _think_ you'll find that the bison stuff is trying ultimately to create an already existing header file.

caveat emptor,


EMRE KUNT (Ebi Bsk. - Sistem Prog) wrote:


I am using apache2.0.39 on Win2000 and want to install it with mod_ssl.so

At the compilation step, the errors below appeared.

Question 1: Do you know what the problem is?

Question 2: Do you know how to use Bison on W2000 in MS Visual C 6 to compile apache?

(which .h and .l files are to be used for Bison)

Thanks and best regards,

Emre Kunt

C:\httpd-2.0.39\modules\ssl>NMAKE -f mod_ssl.mak CFG="mod_ssl - Win32 Debug" RE

CURSE=0 .\Debug\mod_ssl.so

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.


bison: /tmp/b.act.a01820: No such file or directory

The system cannot find the file specified.

Could Not Find C:\httpd-2.0.39\modules\ssl\y.tab.c

The system cannot find the file specified.

Could Not Find C:\httpd-2.0.39\modules\ssl\y.tab.h

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'tempfile.bat' : return code '0x1'


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