> On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 16:29:40 +0100, Henri Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> BTW, I updated mod_jk 1.2.2-dev, 2.0.4-dev and also mod_webapp to
> set the content type the correct way, previously there was a direct
> set of content-type and I now use ap_set_content_type :

> hgomez 2002/12/09 05:19:18
>    Modified: jk/native/apache-2.0 mod_jk.c Log: Make jk works with
> filters in Apache 2.0, ie mod_deflate and
>    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html.

I can confirm this now "does the right thing" with Apache 2.0.39 under
FreeBSD running mod_jk from CVS HEAD and mod-xslt (www.mod-xslt.com)
as an output filter for content of type text/xml


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