* Mladen Turk wrote:

> This is the virtual file system module,
> meaning that you can serve context from non-file systems.
> Currently it only supports zip files, but has already added support
> for gzip and bzip archives.

Cool thing in general. But shouldn't we consider a pluggable mod_autoindex 
instead? I'm thinking of something similar to mod_dav:

mod_autoindex - base, contains all the display stuff and an interface for 
                plugging filesystems (Hooks?)
mod_autoindex_fs - filesystem (moved out of the current mod_autoindex)
mod_autoindex_zip - zip

> The sources are at http://www.apache.org/~mturk/

Have taken only a short look, thus I can't say much for now, sorry.

die (eval q-qq:Just Another Perl Hacker

# André Malo, <http://pub.perlig.de/> #

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