--On Friday, March 14, 2003 12:50 AM -0800 Jim Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   I have a question in the same vein as my last post.  Can I rely on
ap_get_brigade(mode=AP_MODE_READBYTES, len=X) to return a brigade of length
no greater than X?  It would appear not, which means I need to be prepared
to set aside extra bytes...  But I thought this was exactly what the
supplying filter was supposed to do!  Confirmation requested.

A filter could hypothetically ignore AP_MODE_READBYTES's len parameter and return more. But, none of the current filters in our core do this - they will return at most X bytes. I believe we take the position if a filter returns more than X in this case, it is broken. So, it should be a good assumption to make. -- justin

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