Guys - I'm digging this out right now, but I'm having trouble keeping
up with your dialog ;-)  Be aware we are talking about win32 which
doesn't fork, so it doesn't have the same apr_global_mutex_t in the
child worker process as in the parent process.

File mutex modes aren't really win32 files - they are simply
named mutexes.  Elsewhere in apr we've translated slash and
backslash to underbars so that the name is a legal object name
(as long as it's 255 characters or shorter.)

However, this means two servers with "logs/mymutex" end up
being the very same name.  It almost seems like we need to
abspath this name, e.g. "c:/apache/logs/mymutex" and then
translate the reserved chars, so you get c__apache_logs_mymutex.
Then you can have c__apache_logs_mymutex happily coexisting
with c__apache21_logs_mymutex.

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