>> Hmmmmm, sorry.
>> I'd see some alternatives
>> - split the commit (e.g. by language)
>> - create a new docs-cvs-mailinglist
>> - drop the generated files and build the stuff online and for every release
>> (RM job, resp. the tarball roller's) - would need some MBs of Java stuff
>> installed everywhere
>> - ?
> I'd go with dropping the generated files out of CVS altogether - I don't see
> that there's much reason to keep them there, and a teeny wodge of java is
> not exactly an odious proposition for most of us these days I'd think?
> Cheers
> -Thom

Don't drop them. It's usefull to know, whether they are up to date or
not. But we do not need the commit mails. Only those mails need to be
omitted. This should be possible.


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