I'm wondering if there is a nice way in Apache 2.0 to peek at the incoming POSTed data 
without removing the data from the view of other modules?  So, for example, in my 
modules fixup stage I'd like to have a look at the POSTed data, but still be able to 
let a different module actually handle the request.

I don't think an input filter would do the trick because I would need to see the 
posted data *before* another module has decided to actually handle the request.  This 
means that I would need to initiate the reading of the data from the client myself - 
but that action would effectively remove the data from the module that will actually 
be handling the request.

I was able to do this in Apache 1.3 by manipulating some of the values to do with the 
request_rec and conn_rec structures after I had run through the standard 
ap_get_client_block routines.  It works well with Apache 1.3, but the same hack won't 
work in Apache 2.0.

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