Title: RE: [PATCH] EventLog display name patch

Is there any other way to get the display name? I look for other ways but couldn't figure out another approach.


-----Original Message-----
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [PATCH] EventLog display name patch

At 09:59 AM 6/18/2003, Juan Rivera wrote:

>The current nt_eventlog implementation has the hardcoded "Apache Service" as the event log application name. This can be problematic if you have multiple instances of Apache running on the same box.

>To fix this, I made midifications on two files:
>The service.c.patch simply adds the display name used during -k install into the actual service command line.

This part of the patch isn't acceptable because;

>The service command like would be:
>Apache2.exe -k runservice -n "web server 1"

this requirement above breaks exiting installed services, which is not good,

>This is important because the display_name variable will set when the service is executed. This variable is used by the nt_eventlog.c

I believe we can go a little further to assure that is filled in or retrieved as soon
as it is needed.  Let me look for the underlying bug.

>The nt_eventlog.c patch replaces the hard-coded registry path SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\Apache Service

>SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\ + display_name
>Now your messages will be loged with the right application name. So you can identify which service actually generated the error.

You must also register the event provider, which I will verify in your patch
or code up if it's missing before I commit.

I was originally hesitant to waste the additional space to create event loggers
for each copy of Apache.  You've sold me, and I understand your concern
about trying to review an event log of many active instances of Apache.

Most of my httpd time has been stuck in ssl issues, I hope now to dig out
and get back to your patch and port the Win98/ME support from 1.3 as well.

Thanks for all of your efforts, Juan!


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