So did changing it from "" to ""
solve your "insufficient entropy" error ???


-----Original Message-----
From: J. W. Ballantine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: Apache/2.1.0-dev, mod_ssl and insufficient entry 

Yes, that is the name of the perl script that reads from the pool for seed

----------  In Response to your message -------------

>  Date:  Thu, 19 Jun 2003 07:47:05 -0700
>  From:  "Bennett, Tony - CNF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject:  RE: Apache/2.1.0-dev, mod_ssl and insufficient entry
>  JW,
>  Do you really mean "/usr/local/add-on/egd/bin/" ????  
> ------------------------------------------------^
>  -tony
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: J. W. Ballantine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:37 AM
>  Subject: Apache/2.1.0-dev, mod_ssl and insufficient entry 
>  I tried this question with users and was directed here.  If that is 
> wrong,  please let me know. Thanks
>  I'm trying to start Apache/2.1.0-dev with mod_ssl enabled and all I 
> keep  getting is the dreaded:
>  [Wed Jun 18 15:31:59 2003] [warn] Init: PRNG still contains 
> insufficient
>  entropy!
>  [Wed Jun 18 15:31:59 2003] [error] Init: Failed to generate temporary 512
>  bit 
>  RSA private key
>  Configuration Failed
>  I understand that this is controlled by SSLRandomSeed in the 
> httpd.conf  file, and I've tried the following pairs to generate 
> enough entropy:
>  SSLRandomSeed startup exec:`/usr/local/add-on/egd/bin/
>  /etc/local/openssh/egd-pool`
>  SSLRandomSeed connect exec:`/usr/local/add-on/egd/bin/ 
>  /etc/local/openssh/egd-pool`
>  SSLRandomSeed startup egd:/etc/local/openssh/egd-pool SSLRandomSeed 
> connect  egd:/etc/local/openssh/egd-pool
>  SSLRandomSeed startup file:/etc/local/openssh/httpd_ssl.seed
>  SSLRandomSeed connect file:/etc/local/openssh/httpd_ssl.seed
>  SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
>  SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
>  where /etc/local/openssh/httpd_ssl.seed was created by:  
> /usr/local/add-on/egd/bin/ /etc/local/openssh/egd-pool read 255 
> and  /etc/local/openssh/egd-pool is the socket from ( which 
> works fine  with pnrgd for opensshd ).
>  Any thoughts/pointers will be greatly appreciated.
>  The cvs date is 20030612 and other info on httpd are:
>  Server version: Apache/2.1.0-dev
>  Server built:   Jun 12 2003 12:14:31
>  Server version: Apache/2.1.0-dev
>  Server built:   Jun 12 2003 12:14:31
>  Server's Module Magic Number: 20030213:1
>  Architecture:   32-bit
>  Server compiled with....
>   -D APACHE_MPM_DIR="server/mpm/prefork"
>   -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)
>   -D HTTPD_ROOT="/local/APACHE/Apache2"
>   -D SUEXEC_BIN="/local/APACHE/Apache2/bin/suexec"
>   -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="logs/"
>   -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"
>   -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE="logs/accept.lock"
>   -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
>   -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types"
>   -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
>  Compiled in modules:
>    core.c
>    mod_authn_file.c
>    mod_authn_default.c
>    mod_authz_host.c
>    mod_authz_groupfile.c
>    mod_authz_user.c
>    mod_authz_default.c
>    mod_auth_basic.c
>    mod_include.c
>    mod_log_config.c
>    mod_env.c
>    mod_setenvif.c
>    mod_ssl.c
>    prefork.c
>    http_core.c
>    mod_mime.c
>    mod_status.c
>    mod_autoindex.c
>    mod_asis.c
>    mod_cgi.c
>    mod_negotiation.c
>    mod_dir.c
>    mod_imap.c
>    mod_actions.c
>    mod_userdir.c
>    mod_alias.c
>    mod_so.c

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