
I am using Apache 2.0.43  on Linux 7.2. I want to access a perl file placed in the 

For this I have made the following changes in my httpd.conf
ScriptAlias /cgi/ "/usr/apache/htdocs/cgi/"

<Directory "/usr/apache/htdocs/cgi">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

Also I am having perl installed at /usr/bin/perl and the perl version is 5.6.0. 

Now on access the perl file usiing my browser 
The browser display the "Internal Server Error" page. 

On checking the error_log of apache I could see the line 
"premature end of script headers". 

The perl file contain the correct path of perl and has permissions on the files are 
also correct.

Kindly let me know how can i resolve this issue.

> Rahul Kohli

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