On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 10:33 AM, Austin Gonyou wrote:

If I have a Linux server using httpd 1.3 and has 1GB ram and has 1012
httpd processes. When I look at that process's ram stats, I have a
vmSize of say 7032KB, vmRSS of 2056KB, and  vmEXE of 2072KB.

Is the size I'm most concerned with when looking at per/process memory
utilization going to be vmSize? We're trying to tune our servers a bit
better until we're ready to move to httpd2, which will sometime at the
beginning of 2004. But help around this diagnosis would be appreciated.

This is one of the main features of httpd-2.0's worker MPM. That is, significantly reduced memory usage. It is likely that when you switch to 2.0 you'll see an order of magnitude reduction is memory usage for the same number of concurrent requests.


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