The NULL argument for the filter is *ONLY* to be used for testing subrequests
that are not actually run to the client.  E.g. mod_autoindex uses the NULL arg
to consider what files might be served, and if they are, in fact, actually valid
content files, or if they have been protected or otherwise cannot be handled.

You must pass the appropriate filter arg in order to pass the response through
the filter stack back to the client.

Look, instead, at mod_include.c or another module that actually serves the
subrequest, for an example of the appropriate way to use this API.


At 02:37 PM 8/6/2003, Aryeh Katz wrote:
>In certain circumstances, I need to do an internal redirect on the client's 
>request (without sending back a redirect to the client).
>I tried using ap_sub_req_method_uri (specifying NULL for the filter), and then 
>I see that the content type of the new request is correct (in my case, 
>image/gif). However, when the request is sent to the client, the content type 
>is text/plain. Thus, the reply to the client doesn't render properly.
>I suspect I am not invoking ap_run_sub_req properly.
>Is there something I should know about how to invoke run_sub_req?
>Aryeh Katz
>Secured-Services Inc.

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