On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 03:18:19PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> - addr *may* be NULL when alloc_listener is invoked.  Adding a NULL check 
> before doing the strcmp would indeed fix this problem, but prevents 
> listener reuse.

Since NULL only defines unqualified addresses, ie: "Listen 80" , any reuse 
on the same port will always fail. Would it be enough to simply do:

         if (sa) {
             apr_sockaddr_port_get(&oldport, sa);
-             if (!strcmp(sa->hostname, addr) && port == oldport) {
+             if (( !addr || strcmp(sa->hostname, add)) && port == oldport) {
                  /* re-use existing record */

After all, if someone did:

Listen 80

and then:

Listen 80

Shouldnt the original socket get re-used ? Or alternatively an error 

> - We don't allow NULLs in sa->hostname.  Then, we need to take the 'name' 
> returned by getaddrinfo() and store it.  However, we would have to do this 
> resolution before we can do the walking as NULL may resolve to (say): 
> '' or '::'.  Only after calling apr_sockaddr_info_get would we know 
> which it resolves to.

getaddrinfo won't return a 'name' in this situation though, even with
AI_CANONAME set for ai_flags. the v6 call_resolver would have to detect the
passive bind and hardcode '::' and '' all over again :(

Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         http://www.stdlib.net/

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