CASTELLE Thomas wrote:
> Hello Paul (or whoever can answer me... ;-)),
> I just wanted to know why the patch you committed concerning mod_cache
> hasn't been introduced in Apache 2.0.47 ? Will it be in 2.0.48 ? And
> concerning the over mod_cache RFC violations, is there any news ? I can't
> see anything on the website, but maybe I'm not
> looking in the right place...

> Best regards,

> Thomas.


Sorry for missing your note amidst the deluge awaiting my return from
vacation and thanks to Bill Stoddard for pointing this one out to me.

The lack of backport to the 2.0-stable branch was just a misunderstanding
on my part. I was looking at work to make the cache code RFC compliant
and reliable enough to move out of experimental as being development
work (thus dev-branch) rather than code-fix work (submitted for back

I committed the patch to the 2.1-dev branch back in June. I will submit
the patch for a backport vote. Once there are enough votes for it I can
backport it to the 2.0 stable branch. I can't say when it will hapen since
I have to wait for the votes to come in and I don't know if I'll get them
before 2.0.48 rolls.

Thanks for waking me up. :)

As for the other compliance issues. I am working on a patch right now that fixes the code for looking up values in r->headers_out and r->err_headers_out. This is the first step in resolving a number of the compliance issues. The rest of the fixes will follow pretty close behind and all will be submitted for backporting votes immediately.

Paul J. Reder
"The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each
citizen to defend it.  Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do
his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure."
-- Albert Einstein

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