Geoffrey Young wrote:
this came up on test-dev@ a while ago. while we haven't quite fully settled on an interface to Apache-Test yet, I thought to post this patch here, since it implements some XXX comments in core. the output for the prefork and worker builds I have look like

Server version: Apache/2.1.0-dev
Server built:   Aug 12 2003 02:25:22
Server's Module Magic Number: 20030213:1
Architecture:   32-bit
Server MPM:     Prefork
  threaded:     no
    forked:     yes (dynamic)
Server compiled with....

Server version: Apache/2.1.0-dev
Server built:   Aug 12 2003 02:28:54
Server's Module Magic Number: 20030213:1
Architecture:   32-bit
Server MPM:     Worker
  threaded:     yes (static)
    forked:     yes (dynamic)
Server compiled with....

I think this change makes the bug reports better.

However we probably should use fixed/variable, and not static/dynamic so not to confuse with static/dynamic build. I'd suggest this wording:

 Server MPM:     Worker
  threaded:      fixed number
  processes:     variable number

and not list either of the two if the are 'no' in your original output, so there is no need for no/yes.

Notice that specifying the above information is probably not very useful for major, core mpms, however when people will start writing their own mpms, this fixed/variable information will come handy.

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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