> From: Justin Erenkrantz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 6:48 PM

> Looking at nd's recent mod_rewrite and mod_include changes including the aaa 
> rewrite (and some other changes and new modules that just weren't backported), 
> I'm starting to think this is about the 'right feel' for a 2.2 release.  2.1 
> has essentially been open since last September.
> So, I think we should start producing 2.1 unstable releases with a goal of 
> producing a stable 2.2 release in a few months.
> The one issue I'd like resolved before starting a 2.1 release cycle is 
> figuring out if we can axe ap_*_client_block (as this is a major API change). 
> I think Sander's mentioned something about changing how authorization hooks 
> are called, but I don't know if he's prepared to do it 'soon.'

Indeed.  Since 2.2 is already about the AAA rewrite it would be nice to include
the final step on that subject aswell.
> Thoughts?  -- justin

What about: I'll do a 2.1 release at the same time as 2.0.48?


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