Title: Sync to CVS problem


I have previously downloaded a copy of the Apache server code from the cvs repository using "anoncvs" login and CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic.

However, I am unable to connect to the server for the past couple of days. I get the following error:
 (Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: recv() from server cvs.apache.org: EOF

Also, if I use the other server (CVSROOT= :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/apache) I can connect to the server. However I cannot export the code using the command "cvs export -d httpd-2.0 -r APACHE_2_0_44 httpd-2.0".  I get the following error:

cvs export: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs export: warning: cannot write to history file /cvs/apache/CVSROOT/history: Permission denied
cvs export: Updating httpd-2.0
cvs export: failed to create lock directory for `/cvs/apache/httpd-2.0' (/cvs/apache/httpd-2.0/#cvs.lock): Permission denied

cvs export: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvs/apache/httpd-2.0'
cvs [export aborted]: read lock failed - giving up

Any ideas what may be wrong?



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