Jeff Trawick wrote:

Does anybody have a quick answer, like "can't have colon anywhere in uri path" or "we're busted" or something else?

URL is;session=0:0

dobedobedo doesn't really exist

Apache 2.0.47 on Win32:
 -> 403 (no reason logged)

Apache 2.0.47 on Linux:
 -> 404

I'll try to figure out which filepath operation is blowing and make sure we log something for such errors and see what we should be doing.

Jeff and I had a discussion and here is our conclusion...

The is a valid URL -if- the content is not being served out of the file system. It should be possible for mod_php, for instance, to serve this URL. The problem occurs when ap_core_translate, which is the last translate_name hook to run, does the final mapping of a URI to a filename because the URI above does not map to a valid filename. A module like mod_php would have to determine -sometime in the translate_name phase- that it is serving the object requested and prevent ap_core_translate from running (returning OK on it's translate name hook?) the make darn sure it's handler did not decline the request.

Does that analysis sound reasonable?


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