I am using Apache2045
I want to use 2 host names with apache : http://mainhost.firm.com  and

When a client type http://mainhost.firm.com on his browser, i want my Apache
to serve from "apache_home/htdocs/" directory.

When a client type http://host2.firm.com on his browser, i want my Apache to
serve from "apache_home/htdocs/host2/" directory.

To achieve this goal, i use name based virtual hosting (is this wright
I added the lines, below, to httpd.conf file. It doesnt work. What is wrong?

Thanks and best regards,

<VirtualHost *>
        DocumentRoot apache_home/htdocs
        ServerName mainhost.firm.com
        ErrorLog logs/mainhost.firm.com_error.log
        CustomLog logs/mainhost.firm.com_access.log common

<VirtualHost *>
        DocumentRoot apache_home/htdocs/host2
        ServerName host2.firm.com
        ErrorLog logs/host2.firm.com_error.log
        CustomLog logs/host2.firm.com_access.log common
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