>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 31.10.2003 23:44:06 >>>
>On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Andre Schild wrote:
>> Please have a look at the following Mozilla bug report
>> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=224296 
>> It seems that mod_deflate does transfer encoding,
>> but sets the headers as if doing content encoding.
>I'm not an expert in this, but that statement seems completely wrong to
>me.  Compressing the content is a content-encoding, not a
>transfer-encoding.  The only thing transfer-encoding is used for in HTTP
>is chunking.
I anyone here reading this who can answer this for sure ?

>I see nothing wrong other than the fact that the browser is passing
>compressed content to a plugin that can't handle it.
Could well be a problem in the plugin interface code,
since IE shows the same problem.

>> http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=22902 
>> Any ideas on this subject ?
>It seems to me that we should only recommend the "AddOutputFilterByType"
>configuration, since compressing everything has too many potential

I think we should put a warning on the second "recomended configuration"
that compressing everything can cause problems. (Specially with PDF files)


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