On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 10:29:55AM -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> Another point to consider... With 2.2, module writers will need to
> worry about *3* versions of Apache. Commercial entities which
> have *just* gotten around to porting their 1.3 modules for 2.0
> will likely not bother with 2.2 modules for awhile.

Well, 2.2 modules for the most part should be source-compatible with
2.0.  Certain subsystems have changed dramatically (auth being the prime
example I can think of), but I wouldn't expect every module to have to
change to support 2.2.  (This is, again, taking my perspective that what
we have in HEAD is roughly what should be in 2.2 modulo testing.)

Ideally, once we start producing 2.2 releases on a regular basis, we
won't be producing 2.0 releases on such a regular basis.  -- justin

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