>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matthieu Estrade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>But when you give feedback, review code, and post patch and nothing 
>happen then... It's not easy to continue this way =)
>Maybe my feedback and mails aren't good, so in this case i understand 
>more... but with no answer, it's hard to think something about my work.

Exactly my point. When you post a patch, and somebody replies back with some
feedback, it's like a sense of satisfaction for me. Atleast, I know somebody
out there (perhaps not a person with commit access) is giving some
importance to my mail and replying back. Some times, I don't even care if
the patch gets committed - as long as somebody reviews it. The reason : I
need to know if I'm doing something wrong :).

Imagine sending mails OR posting patches and NOT getting any replies at all.
I've experienced that. The common answer you get is "try and try again - and
one day the light will shine upon you". 
I've got that answer a lot of times (it's in the archives if you have the
patience to dig in).

The question was intended to those people who talk a lot, but neither post
patches NOR give reviews/feedback, but jump in with long mails only when
there's a debate going on.

>And core team will receive more and more mail they will not be able to 
>answer in a reasonnable time.

Why wait for the core team to answer the questions - why should others NOT
pick up the role of answering the questions ?

(guilty on my own point)

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