Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

Thanks for the explanations Justin. Once I'll get some free time I'll need to revamp the filters chapter [1] to address the read mode issue. So far I was completely ignoring it :(

(1) http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/filters.html

Though it'd be nice to add a note re: APR_BLOCK_READ in the
AP_MODE_READBYTES doc above. Or I guess may be it belongs to some filters

I'll note that I wrote an article on describing httpd-2.x's filters for some Linux magazine recently. I bet you can find back issues. As an aside, I never actually saw the final copy or the printed copy. So, don't blame me if it doesn't help. ;-) -- justin

Is that the one you are talking about? http://www.linux-mag.com/2003-08/apache_01.html

rbb wrote a bunch of filtering articles some 2 years ago or so too. It'd probably be nice to ask those magazines if we can dump them somewhere under the docs-2.0 project, versus linking to them, as ezines tend to move things a lot and even kill them.

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