
Since this question pertains to the implementation
of ETags in the httpd source code (core.c?), I
think this question is appropriate for the developer
list.  I hope you agree.  :)

I'm using apache and subversion (mod_dav_svn) as
the filesystem provider.  Apache won't generate
weak ETags (Size & MTime) from the subversion
filesystem provider.  The same config works fine
when I take subversion out and use the regular
filesystem.  I've also tried generating weak ETags
from a Catacomb repository (mod_dav_repos) to no avail.

I'm trying to figure out whether this is an Apache
limitation (I suspect it is), or a limitation of the
alternate providers.

What I want to know is: Is the ETag implementation
tied directly to the filesystem?  Or, is it abstract
and therefore should/could theoretically support
alternate filesystem providers?

So far, the subversion and catacomb developers have
been silent on this question.  I'm hoping someone
on this list can help.

Thanks for any help, pointers, etc.


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I'm trying to figure out if/how ETags might be
generated when using a non-filesystem
repository provided by an apache module.  For 
example, I've tried to generate weak ETags
when using the subversion and catacomb apache

Is the code to generate ETags abstracted from
the underlying repository?  Or, is it tied 
directly to the filesystem?  I think I found the
relevant source using viewcvs, but I haven't
been able to decipher it....


Any help much appreciated.

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I'm trying to implement a collaborative authoring
environment that uses apache webdav + subversion 
with auto-versioning on the server.

Client-side, my users will have a variety of clients 
(Winie, Web Commander, mozile) that check for ETag
match before doing a PUT as described here:


In my experiments so far, it doesn't appear that
apache + subversion will generate a weak ETag.  If
I remove svn and just use the filesystem, apache 
generates the expected ETags.

Excerpt from httpd.conf:

     <Location /p3>
       FileETag MTime Size
        (some stuff deleted...)

So, I'm wondering if the apache ETag code simply
doesn't play with alternate repositories -- ie,
the calls to get modification time and size are 
not abstracted...  Or, are there changes that 
could be made to subversion to generate the 
requested ETags?  I dug through some of the 
apache code, but couldn't locate the ETag stuff.

I'm assuming that if the latter is the case, 
it'll probably be a post 1.0 thing -- unless it's
a very easy fix.

Thanks for any info/pointers.


Eric R. Johnson                          
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                   
Phone:  (303)-272-5671, x75671           
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     

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