Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

--On Wednesday, November 26, 2003 15:51:23 -0500 Christopher Jastram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My boss found subversion+webdav, and wants it implemented for use with
Adobe FrameMaker.  So, I need dav_lock (without it, framemaker can load
from dav, but cannot checkin or checkout).

FWIW, that combination works fine with Framemaker 7.x, but Frame likes to keep exclusive locks for the duration of the editing session. That's not too cool for most real-world work groups.

So, we settled upon just having people use SVN working copies and doing 'manual' merges whenever there was conflicts. (The compare documents feature in Frame worked well for resolving conflicts.) -- justin

Interesting. I haven't had the opportunity to play with Frame and dav, but I assumed that Frame would require a locking rather than a merging version system. I think that we will end up doing just what you said.

Another idea: when Frame checks a document in, use fmbatch on a Solaris box to convert the document to MIF. When frame checks it out, convert back to FM format. Does anybody know of any sample svn hook scripts to accomplish this? (Wrong list, sorry)


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