On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Brian Akins wrote:

> This may not be apache-dev related, but I do not know where else to ask it.

apache-modules maybe?

> Is it possible to save an entire bucket bridade (including it's buckets)
> across requests.  I looked at  ap_save_brigade, but I'm sure that will
> work.  It seems that the brigades are always tied to a connection.

ICBW here, but ...

Brigades are created on a pool.  When the pool dies, so does the
brigade.  Most brigades are created on the Request or Connection
pool, so die with the request or connection.

ap_save_brigade lets you save a brigade into another brigade.
To make that work across requests, you should be able to save
to a brigade on the server pool.

However, that still doesn't help if you want the saved brigade to
be seen by a subsequent request, because that'll be handled by
a random server, likely not the one whose pool you used.
Your best bet may be to try and use a persistent connection,
and handle breaking the connection as an error.

Nick Kew

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