Min Xu(Hsu) wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 Erik Abele wrote :

Have a look at the old gnats bug-archive (ranging back to '96): http://archive.apache.org/gnats/

Thanks! I was initially confused by the big number of modules. I guess
the module "general" should be my focus.

On the other hand, is it true all the worker MPM stuff is in the new database?

most Apache 2 stuff, worker included, is in the new database... we switched databases before Apache 2 was released as a stable server, so *relatively* few bug reports came in that way

I didn't find any data race related bugs with the new threaded worker model. Is
it true the threaded model didn't have any bad race bugs? Was the coding done
carefully initially, or other reasons prevented the bugs from being created?

data race? consider http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25520

various bugs with file descriptors could lead to race conditions with data going to the wrong client... consider CAN-2003-0789, fixed in Apache 2.0.48

misuse of system library functions in non-thread-safe manner? consider CAN-2003-0189, fixed a few releases ago (can't remember which)

as far as why there haven't been more (those three aren't the only ones, but they haven't been prevalent in general): the Apache-specific data structure use inherited from Apache 1.3 was thread-safe, so no large-scale rework of core code to make it threadsafe was necessary...

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