moving to dev@ ... this deserves wider attention IMO

Geoffrey Young wrote:

one thing I was wondering about was the interaction between your patch an
mod_alias. just by following the code without testing, it seems like either
mod_alias needs to unset the outside_filesystem flag for things like Alias
and ScriptAlias,

something like that might work

or it needs to blow up over the conflict between those directives and your new directive.

or Joshua's "virtual" keyword on <Location >, which I like better the more I think about it.

But yeah, good point. Unfortunately it adds complexity. If the conflict could be detected at config time rather than run time, the added complexity does't bother me much at all.

that is, unless I'm reading the code wrong, or common setups like this

Alias /cgi-bin /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
<Location /cgi-bin>
  SetHandler cgi-script

are also ones that you believe go against the existing documentation.

anyway, not a criticism (especially if I'm wrong),

I think you're right. Constructive critism is always welcome :)

just an observation.


No problem... excellent feedback.


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