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Hello httpd [EMAIL PROTECTED] folks,

The following is very similar to a message I sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a week ago. They requested that I bring the
subject up on this mailinglist as well to encourage public discussion
of the proposal, so here we go:

At Apachecon 2003, I gave a presentation on mod_zeroconf[1]. This is a
module I'm working on that allows Apache 2.0 to publish its virtual
hosts on a Zero Configuration[2] network, an IETF standard perhaps
better known as Rendezvous[3]. Mod_zeroconf brings this technology to
Apache on other platforms than MacOSX. I will hold another presentation
on mod_zeroconf at CodeCon 2004, later this month in San Francisco[4].

I would like to explore the possibility that the httpd project to adopt
mod_zeroconf as a subproject. After incubation, the module would find a
home under the 'modules' page at the httpd project, among mod_python,
mod_auth_ldap et al.

The code is already Apache licensed (Licenze 2.0, no less!). There are
no third-party IP problems that I know of: the module is my original
work. I have a CLA on file with the ASF and am fully prepared to
release copyright of the module to the foundation. I would like to
volunteer as maintainer of the module under the ASF umbrella. This is
not a condition for donation, but I'd like to stay involved in the
development of mod_zeroconf.

The module is presently unfinished: demoable but well short of ready
for prime time. The code that I presented at Apachecon is available at
[1] under the downloads link. Last week, I dropped in a fresh snapshot
labeled mod_zeroconf-0.2. I'll do some more work on the module in the
next couple of weeks, and will have another pre-release at CodeCon.
There is no public CVS repository at this time, but I'll be happy to
provide snapshots for review.

The ASF is my first and preferred home for the module. Other options
would include stashing it at Sourceforge, or get a domain registered
and run the project on my own infrastructure. However, I like the fact
that the ASF forms a cohesive community and would provide a context for
the code. Having the httpd project adopt mod_zeroconf would mean more
visibility for the module, more eyes on the code and a cool new
optional feature for Apache 2.0.

This is not a take-it-or-leave-it offer: I'm open to any suggestions
and appreciate your feedback.

Thank your for your attention,


[1] http://www.temme.net/sander/mod_zeroconf/
[2] http://www.zeroconf.org/
[3] http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/rendezvous/
[4] http://www.codecon.org/2004/program.html#mod_zeroconf

- -- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.temme.net/sander/
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