On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Patrick Welche wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 11:23:02AM +0100, Sascha Schumann wrote:
> >     A shell script generating build-exports.mk is attached.
> >
> >     The implementation lacks cyclic reference detection (some
> >     header files point to each other).  This can be resolved by
> >     splitting the 2-3 header files though.
> You beat me to it.. I was just wondering how to do the array of
> include files which an include file includes, as per the python
> original. I reached the conclusion that that is what make is for
> isn't it? Is there a difference between

    Nope.  I suppose the author of the python script 'flattened'
    the dependency graph to avoid cyclic dependencies:


        foo.c: bar.h baz.h


        foo.c: bar.h

        bar.h: baz.h

        baz.h: bar.h

    GNU make notices this and produces a warning.

    This problem can be either resolved by splitting the header
    files (I can do that if noone objects) or adding logic to

    - Sascha

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