Sander Temme wrote:

One more thing.
Can someone explain this SSL bit for me?
This seems to be an uninit var invocation for pollresults?

     const apr_pollfd_t *pollresults;
      if (ssl == 1)
          status = APR_SUCCESS;
status = apr_pollset_poll(readbits, aprtimeout, &n, &pollresults);

You mean this one? You're passing the pointer by reference, so
apr_pollset_poll() can fill it in. It should return a valid array of n
apr_pollfd_t structures.

I see that my snipping was too effective :).
Actually, this was bug 19271, which I've submitted a patch for.
In the ssl case, pollresults was never initialized, and we'd then try to set next_fd to the value of pollresults[i], which causes ab to crash.

Aryeh Katz
SecureD Services
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