>-----Original Message-----
>From: Justin Erenkrantz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>--On Friday, March 5, 2004 12:20 AM -0600 "William A. Rowe, Jr." 
>> But I have a better proposal - let us simply move back the 
>entire mod_ssl 2.1
>> back to 2.0.  Only binary compat issues would need review.  
>But too many
>> good things have happened on 2.1 to this specific component.
>I'd rather just start the 2.2 release cycle than do that.  -- justin

I think a lot of good things have gone into the mod_ssl 2.1 - if we start with 2.2, we 
may still have to back-port the majority of fixes to 2.0 (as customers may not jump 
immediately to 2.2).


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