Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> --On Monday, April 5, 2004 9:35 AM -0400 Geoffrey Young
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> releases control to the next provider in the chain.  this all leaves
>> digest
>> providers without a way to return 401 and stop the authentication chain.
>> basic providers, however, can use AUTH_DENIED to accomplish this.
>> so, I'd like to support AUTH_DENIED from digest providers as well.  this
>> simple patch is all that is required.
> No idea how a provider would figure out that AUTH_DENIED is appropriate
> when using digest auth (the account itself is disabled is the only thing
> I can think of right now).  

well, the idea I had in mind was that you might want to insert a provider
that denies auth merely based on the username or realm, maybe query a
blacklist or something.  I realize you could also do this by simply removing
the user from your auth credential mechanism, but if you have a chain of
providers you might want to quit early rather than run through them all.

> Yet, this still seems reasonable to handle -
> right now, we'd just return 500 rather than 401, so this seems fine by
> me: +1.  -- justin

will do.  thanks :)


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