Since my submitted bug hasn't been resolved in the 9 months since I first reported it, I figure it's about time I try and resolve this problem myself since I do have the source code. I've done a partial debug on the failure but can't get everything figured out since I can't get DDD/gdb to debug some of the code (coming from apr_ldap_url.c).

I'm currently using the 2.0.49 source tree for my testing. The problem starts in mod_auth_ldap.c. When I load the source in ddd, I get an error stating:

Line 1 of "mod_auth_ldap.c" is at address 0x2ebd4 <derive_codepage_from_lang> but contains no code.

This doesn't seem to be a fatal error since I can go in and set breakpoints in the file. I set a breakpoint at line 702 and start the program. At this point, url looks good since it contains the AuthLDAPURL entry from my config file. I continue on to line 703 and urld contains bogus data. The host and filter parameters are swapped, the lud_attrs points off into oblivion (causing the segfault in the apr_pstrdup call on line 755, which is the final death for the process).

The problem comes in the fact that I can't seem to trace anything inside apr_ldap_url.c, which is where the real problems seem to lie. When I load this source file, gdb spits out the error:

Line number 1 is out of range for "apr_ldap_url.c".

The function ldap_url_parse_ext() is not processing URLs properly on Solaris-SPARC, but does work fine on Linux-x86 (endian-ness error?). When I try to set a breakpoint in apr_ldap_url.c, I get:

No line 255 in file "apr_ldap_url.c".

I believe this is due to the fact that this is coming in from a shared library instead of statically linked libraries and have tried to get around this by linking httpd statically, but that seems to be a royal pain to accomplish. Even when I add the --enable-static-htpasswd argument to configure, it comes up with a dynamically linked executable. Is there any way to get httpd to be statically linked so I can do source level debugging on ldap_url_parse_ext(). I could just read through the ~300 lines of code, but it would be much easier to find the problem by looking at all the variables as the function is running to see where the problems are.


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