Hi all,

We've finished the initial development of extended mod_proxy.
Since the development took place at jakata-tomcat-connectors,
the source code can be found under ajp/proxy.

Here is the list of major features added:
1. AJP13 protocol support
2. Connection pool for threaded servers
3. Added new module proxy_balancer
4. Added mod_status extended information hook.

Connection pool:

The connection pool enables reusing backend connections
and was build around apr_reslist. At the moment only the
proxy_ajp extensively uses this connection pool, with
performance slightly better then mod_jk.
Http module also uses connection pool, but only to the
level of skipping DNS lookup, and shows around 20% performance
boost over the current implementation.
Ftp module although uses the connection pool will need more


The new proxy balancer is capable to balance the load trough
the cluster of backend server. For the moment the implemented
algorithm is based on the preset dispatch factor, counting
the number of connections processed on each node.
It can mix the protocols so one can make a cluster containing
the http, ajp and ftp backends, although the usability of such
configuration is questionable.


1. Testing
2. Bugfixing
3. finish AJP13 (ssl + resend)

P.S. I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks, and unreachable by the standard electronic devices.


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