Grretings All,

Get the following while trying a build on a NetWare platform form CVS 2.1
Generating Release\proxyajp_cc.opt
Compiling proxy_ajp.c
Compiling proxy_util.c
Compiling c:\projects\gccnlm\ajplib/ajp_header.c
Compiling c:\projects\gccnlm\ajplib/ajp_msg.c
Compiling c:\projects\gccnlm\ajplib/ajp_link.c
### mwccnlm Compiler:
#    File: ..\..\..\ajplib\ajp_link.c
# -----------------------------------
#     101:      status = ilink_read(sock, msg->buf, hlen);
#   Error:                                              ^
#   illegal implicit conversion from 'unsigned char *' to
#   'char *'
### mwccnlm Compiler:
#     117:      status = ilink_read(sock, msg->buf + hlen, blen);
#   Error:                                                     ^
#   illegal implicit conversion from 'unsigned char *' to
#   'char *'

Major problem is that apr.h (AprLib 1.0) defines _apr_byte_t as unsigned
whereas the ilink_read() function defines the buffer pointer to be of type


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