* "Shaun Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This isn't about the source code but I thought this could be useful to
> somebody on here.
> Please find attached a number of files (in tar.gz) that I have made to
> help improve the Apache HTTP Server website.
> This improvement uses validated XHTML, CSS and images in the PNG format.
> It uses (as you can see in the HTML) simple DIV tags, lists and images
> to display content, with a CSS backend, instead of using tables and an
> apparently inconvenient method of inputting data like the current
> website. I have made my best efforts to make the one 'sample' document
> easy to edit and fully compliant with W3C standards.
> If anybody is interested in using this, or if anybody wants me to help
> implement this, please reply to this message.
> I am also available to help with any other HTML bits in the server (e.g.
> manuals, the default index.html, etc.).

Thanks for your suggestion. (I've CC'ed the docs list, because I think it's a
better place to discuss it).

It's actually better to use a CSS based site, but:

- the semantics you've choosed aren't really better. Now it's a div soup
rather than a table soup ;)

- Some time ago, we've choosed to take xhtml strict for the httpd manual, with
clear semantics (You might wanna look at http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/). I
think, that is the way to go, perhaps with a modified version for the rest of
the website.

my 0.02 EUR,

tvc!ifmm)%*|#Qfsm!A`#~tvc!jt)%*|(Ibdlfs(~  # What the hell is JAPH? ;
@_=split/\s\s+#/;$_=(join''=>map{chr(ord(  #             André Malo ;
$_)-1)}split//=>$_[0]).$_[1];s s.*s$_see;  #  http://www.perlig.de/ ;

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