On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 17:20:08 -0700, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> +1  Subversion still lacks a few features in commit notices, and
>      I don't see the equivalent of viewcvs diff (must be hidden
>      somewhere), but the developer interaction is much better.
the latest "CVS" of Horde's Chors provids a viewcvs like interface to
subversion (check svn.outoforder.cc) As well the "CVS" release of viewcvs
itself.   Also Paul Querna and I are working on an apache module to
provide such an interface.  

We hope to have this officially released before apachecon.

> What are we going to use for trunk names?  httpd-1.3 and httpd-2?
> wonder how hard it would be to make cvs2svn overlay apache-1.* with
> httpd-2.* into one httpd repo.  Probably not worth it given all of the
> parallel development.
> ....Roy

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